Developer Bastian

Developer Bastian

An Unreal journey building a game based on Lyra - without C++

Tutorials Links

Developer Bastian

Lyra Gameplay Abilities - Create and KeyBind

Lyra Gameplay Abilities 01 - Listen and detect gameplay tag changes in other actors

Lyra Gameplay Abilities 02 - Create an Gameplay Ability Template and understand its components

Lyra Gameplay Abilities 03 - Get an Ability through interation with your environment

Lyra Gameplay Abilities 04 - Understanding Cues, Effects and Cooldowns

Lyra Gameplay Abilities 05 - Get Abilities Sets through Equipment - and dynamically add or remove Input Mapping Contexts



Lyra Gameplay Abilities and Enhanced Input


A starter to Gameplay abilities - not multi user friendly at this point, just a very basic proof of concept


Steps (referring to infographic letters)

Lyra Gameplay Abilities Subscripe to Tag changes


Diving deeper into gameplay abilities and how to use them to communicate between actors

Key Concepts

Dump Tags: A debug function to show active gameplay tags per tick

Lyra Gameplay Tag - Debugging function BluePrint

Subscribe to changes in gamepay tags of other actors

Lyra Gameplay Abilities Components and Template


A more complete template for our Gameplay Ability System

Key Concepts

Gameplay Cues are connected via Gameplay Tags to Gameplay Abilities

Gameplay Cues Notifier point to Sound Waves, Niagara effects, Force Feedback effects or Camera Shakes

Gameplay Effects add costs to abilities - we use the Lyra health system to apply health costs while dancing

Lyra Gameplay Abilities through the Environment


Understanding the usage of the GA_Interact and how to understand Gameplay Ability interactions as properties of the environment, not the character

Key Concepts

Effects, Cues and Cooldowns


An understanding how to use game messsages to steer widget behaviour and how to use gameplay tags to trigger effects and cues

Key Concepts

Abilities through Equipment


Equipment and its ability to add gameplay abilities are extrfemely powerful - even a bullet can be an “equipment” that grant nice abilites with gameplay effects and cues

Key Concepts